Sunday, 1 February 2015

Virtuosity 4: Reclamation

Responding to our call for submissions, hosts of athletes have told us CrossFit is a fantastic rehabilitation program, and this month’s article is a perfect example of how the fitness program helps athletes reclaim athleticism they thought was a thing of the past.

And what a beautiful thing that is. Just as older athletes rejoice to find they can preserve and even reclaim function as they age, injured athletes are thrilled when fitness helps them repair their bodies and do the things they enjoy.

This month, Michael Clift explains how CrossFit helped his wife recover from a fall-related hip injury, allowing them to once again share activities they love. For telling his story, Clift will receive US$500, as well as a $500 Rogue Fitness gift card to help him outfit his basement gym.

We’re looking for more stories about why you love CrossFit and those who bring it to you. We’ll publish eight more over the next months. Tell us why your trainer or affiliate has earned your trust and your business, or tell us why your training partners make the garage your favorite place in the world.

To increase the chances of publication, read the submission guidelines at the end of the article, and review the previous articles in this series. You can find them all by entering “virtuosity” in the search box above.

Write with skill, and send your story to We cannot respond to each submission due to the volume, but we read and appreciate them all.

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