Saturday 14 February 2015

CrossFit Radio Episode 368

On Episode 368 of CrossFit Radio, host Justin Judkins interviewed Triangle CrossFit owner Clay Hicks and Harbor City CrossFit owner Michael Manning. This episode was webcast on Feb. 11, 2015.

1:35 Clay Hicks spoke about how Triangle CrossFit in Raleigh, North Carolina, is getting ready for the CrossFit Games Open. He explained how each Open workout is programmed into the weekly training so every member of the affiliate participates in the worldwide test of fitness. Hicks also detailed why he established a competition club at his affiliate and how he ensures every member feels special no matter what his or her goals are.

13:37 Michael Manning opened Harbor City CrossFit in Melbourne, Florida, over seven years ago, and his facility has grown to 13,000 square feet of indoor space and 10,000 square feet outdoors. Manning explained why it’s important to him to offer many first-class amenities at his affiliate, and he described a few options for members, including sports-performance, strongman and nutrition programs.

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