Monday 20 April 2015

April 21, 2015 – Performance

Workout of the Day A. Two sets of: 60 Seconds of Muscle-Ups Rest 60 seconds 60 Seconds of Alternating Pistols with Kettlebell (24/16 kg) Rest 60 seconds 60 Seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups (or L-Seated DB Press) Rest 60 seconds 60 Seconds of Strict Supinated-Grip Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups Rest 60 seconds 60 Seconds of L-Sit Hold (try to accumulate 30-40 seconds within the minute) Rest 60 seconds B. Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes (3 sets each) for max reps: Minute 1 – 30 seconds of Toes to Bar Minute 2 – 30 seconds of Assault Bike for Calories [...]

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