Thursday, 30 April 2015

May 1, 2015 – Fitness

Workout of the Day A. Every 90 seconds, for 18 minutes (4 sets of each): Station 1 – Romanian Deadlift (with DBs or BB) x 6-8 reps @ 3011 (stick to the tempo – 3 second descent – use more weight than used on April 16) Station 2 – Supine Ring Row x 8-10 reps @ 2111 (get as horizontal as possible) Station 3 – L-Seated Dumbbell Press x 8 reps @ 2111 (increase load from weight used on April 16) B. Five rounds for time of: 5 Shoulder to Overhead 10 Burpees Over the Barbell

Friday 150501

Rest Day


Roxy at SnoRidge CrossFit.

"Live. Fate Loves the Fearless" - CrossFit Journal [video]

"Comma Queen: The Lay of the Lie/Lay Land," by Mary Norris, The New Yorker.

Live. Fate Loves the Fearless

CrossFit saved Miranda Oldroyd’s life—literally.

In June 2012, the CrossFit Level 1 Seminar Staff member was involved in a terrible car accident. She remembers it vividly and wrote about it on her blog.

“I never lost consciousness,” she says, “but I was immediately in a ton of pain. I remember saying out loud, ‘It’s OK, it’s OK, you’re fine.’”

When she arrived at the emergency room, Oldroyd complained of significant neck pain.

“Several times I mentioned, ‘My neck hurts, my neck hurts,’” she recalls. “I asked if I needed an X-ray. (The doctor) seemed to think that it was just whiplash. They gave me a soft collar … and gave me a prescription for pain medicine and sent me on my way.”

The 2012 Reebok CrossFit Games were quickly approaching, and Oldroyd was excited to work for CrossFit Media as an on-camera personality. She worked the entire week interviewing athletes and hugging fans, all the while unaware of how bad her neck injury actually was.

When she got home from Carson, California, Oldroyd received life-changing news: Initially misdiagnosed, she was told she had been living with a broken neck for two weeks. Radiologist Dr. Will Wright cites Oldroyd’s fitness as the reason she made it through those weeks.

“She’s lucky she was a CrossFitter,” he says.

Oldroyd says several doctors told her the strength of the muscles around her neck actually prevented paralysis or death.

After spinal fusion, Oldroyd was told she could do activities that didn’t cause pain, so she was training again three days after surgery, using the movements that were available to her and chasing her dream of making it to the CrossFit Games.

“It’s a beautiful stubbornness about her,” says Oldroyd’s husband, Tyson.

In “Live. Fate Loves the Fearless,” filmmaker Heber Cannon tells the story of Miranda’s phenomenal recovery from an accident that could have claimed her life.

Video by Heber Cannon.

26min 24sec

Additional audio: CrossFit Radio Episode 274 by Justin Judkins, published May 3, 2013.

Wednesday, 29 April 2015

April 30, 2015 – Performance

Workout of the Day A. Back Squat *Set 1 – 5 reps @ 65% *Set 2 – 4 reps @ 75% *Set 3 – 3 reps @ 80% *Set 4 – 2 reps @ 85% *Set 5 – 1 rep @ 90% *Set 6 – 8 reps @ 75-85% Rest 2 minutes between sets. B. Every minute, on the minute, for 16 minutes: Odd Minutes: 6 Front Squats (135/95 lbs) + 6 Pull-Ups Even Minute: 30 seconds of Rowing for Calories (start the row at 15 seconds into the minute…finishing at 45 seconds)

If you're finding a lull in your training try mixing things up before you quit ...try #crossfit  …

If you're finding a lull in your training try mixing things up before you quit ...try #crossfit
#training   #workouts  


Thursday 150430

Deadlift 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 reps

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Compare to 141222.


David Howe at CrossFit West Seattle.

"The Back Squat" - [video]

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

April 29, 2015 – Performance and Fitness

Workout of the Day A. Every 4 minutes, for 24 minutes (6 sets), for times: Run 400 Meters 10-12 Burpee Box Jump-Overs (24″/20″) B. 10-15 Minutes of Focused Mobility Work – identify greatest areas of need and work with coaches on mobility work that will best address those areas.

The Hip and Athletic Performance

Zachary Long takes a closer look at hip anatomy and identifies common dysfunctions that can limit CrossFit athletes.

The hips serve as the primary generator of force in the majority of movements performed in athletics, and this statement remains true for the exercises most commonly performed in CrossFit.

The pelvis, lumbar spine and core play a vital role in stabilizing the trunk to allow force to be transferred through the body. Despite the importance of the lumbo-pelvic-hip complex, dysfunction of muscle activation and mobility is very common.

These dysfunctions can greatly decrease performance, and it is therefore important to identify common impairments seen in these areas and better understand the hips’ relationship with the pelvis and lumbar spine.

Monday, 27 April 2015

April 28, 2015 – Performance

Workout of the Day A. Every minute, on the minute, for 12 minutes: Power Clean x 1 rep *Set 1 – 60% *Set 2 – 65% *Set 3 – 70% *Set 4 – 75% *Set 5 – 80% *Set 6 – 85% *Sets 7-12 – 85+% B. Three rounds for time of: 10 Dumbbell or Kettlebell Hang Clean & Jerks 50 Double-Unders C. Three sets of: Single-Arm Dumbbell Row x 8 reps @ 2111 Rest 60 seconds Face-Up Chinese Planks x 45-60 seconds Rest 60 seconds

Check out our latest review - We take a look at the #reebok   #zpump  but are they any good for …

Check out our latest review - We take a look at the #reebok   #zpump  but are they any good for #crossFit  ?

Reebok Zpump Fusion Review • DssTuff

Watch our Reebok Zpump Fusion Review video or simply check out the text version including photos of the new shoe.


CrossFit Mayhem – CrossFit

Bench Press (7×2 @80% 1×3 @80% (Complete a set Every 1:30))
Metcon (Time)
6 rounds
50 Double unders
10 Strict HSPU
5 Deadlifts (365/225)

The post 04/27/2015 appeared first on CrossFit Mayhem.

Sunday, 26 April 2015

April 27, 2015 – Performance & Fitness

Workout of the Day A. Every four minutes, for 16 minutes (4 sets): Weighted Pull-Ups x 1-2 reps At the top of the next minute… 30 Seconds of Strict Pull-Ups for Max Reps At the top of the next minute… 20 Walking Lunges with Overhead Plate Carry (45/25 lbs) B. 10 Renegade Rows 20 Calorie Row on Concept 2 30 Kettlebell Swings (32/24 kg) 400 Meter Run

2015 CrossFit Games Tickets on Sale April 29th!

2015 CrossFit Games Tickets on Sale April 29th! Written by Jaimie Bougie Big things are happening this week, Sea of Green! On Wednesday, April 29th, tickets to the 2015 Reebok CrossFit Games will be released for sale!   What does this mean for you, fellow Invicti? If this year is anything like the past few seasons – and it’s expected to be – then the excitement for the Games is being felt worldwide and the highly coveted Gold Ticket will be sold out shortly after they release the tickets online for sale. As of today, the CrossFit Games has not released any additional information about [...]

Friday, 24 April 2015

Saturday 150425

2015 Masters Qualifier Event 3

2 rounds for time of:
1,000-meter row
65-lb. thrusters, 50 reps
30 chest-to-bar pull-ups

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Bo Jones, U.S. Army 25th Infantry Division.

"Fear Factor" - CrossFit Journal [article]

Check out my week 14 #HIIT  workout and if you enjoyed it please check out all the other weeks he…

Check out my week 14 #HIIT  workout and if you enjoyed it please check out all the other weeks here:

Please share this on all your social networks it would mean a lot to me :-)
#workouts   #crossfitters   

HIIT workout-week-14.gif

Try the G.I. Jane wod - this workout of the day is hell if you hate burpees!…

Try the G.I. Jane wod - this workout of the day is hell if you hate burpees! #crossfit #workout #wod

Yesterday I posted a reebok offer, just after I posted it I received a email form reebok saying the offer wouldn't start until today so it's now live for anyone wanting to get the shoes at discount price. Check out my last post.

Crossfit Workouts of the Day WODs • DssTuff

We are aiming to compile the biggest list of crossfit workouts on the planet starting with the official list set by CrossFit

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

April 23, 2015 – Competition

Active Recovery Swimming Day Program Courtesy of Heidi Fearon A. DRYLAND: 50 V-Ups – try to go unbroken WARM UP: Four sets of: 50 Meter Finger Tip Drag @ 50% pace (focus on one goggle in and one out when you breathe) Rest 15-20 seconds Four sets of: 50 Meter Thumb to Thigh @ 50% pace (focus on a strong finish at the thigh) Rest 15-20 seconds Four sets of: 25 Meter Swim – Take 5 strokes then lift your head and look to mimic ocean swim Rest 15-20 seconds Four sets of: Streamline Off the Wall – push off [...]

The Jason Nolan Memorial Workout

The Jason Nolan Memorial Workout Written by Kim McLaughlin On April 2nd, the Invictus community tragically lost one of our beloved members, Jason Nolan. Jason left us far too soon; his laughter and light was contagious, and his early departure from our lives has left a palpable hole in our community. It wouldn’t be a true homage to Jason’s legacy if we did not celebrate in style and do so together, as a community.  We can’t think of a better way to honor Jason than with a memorial workout. Please join us this Saturday, April 25th at Invictus Point Loma [...]

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Wednesday 150422

5 rounds for time of:
75-lb. squat snatches, 10 reps
30-second chin-over-bar hold
75-lb. squat snatches, 10 reps
60-second plank hold

Post time to comments.


C4 CrossFit Greatwood.

"Ironman in Waterworld" - CrossFit Journal [article]

"The Story of the Open" - [video]

Ironman in Waterworld

Years of being told to “hydrate, hydrate, hydrate” caused first-time Ironman athlete Dan Fontaine to overlook the dangers of overhydration.

He had been training for his first Ironman for 12 months. Dan Fontaine thought he had done everything right.

“The only problem was my plan had a big flaw,” 32-year-old Fontaine said almost five years later.

It never occurred to Fontaine that drinking too much during the race would dilute his blood-sodium levels to the point that he would vomit violently and be left on the side of the road, unable to continue for hours.

Fontaine was never officially diagnosed with exercise-associated hyponatremia (EAH), a potentially life-threatening condition characterized by dangerously low blood-sodium levels. But he has since researched what happened to him and has confidently deduced he was hyponatremic in 2010 at an Ironman race in Penticton, British Columbia.

An athlete who drinks too much during exercise runs the risk of diluting blood-sodium levels to below the normal range of 135 to 145 millimoles per liter. Symptoms of EAH include fatigue, nausea, vomiting and seizures. The most serious cases have led to fatal swelling of the lungs or the brain. Damage from brain swelling—exercise-associated hyponatremic encephalopathy (EAHE)—has taken the lives of at least 12 otherwise-healthy people since 1981.

Although Fontaine couldn’t pinpoint why he chose to chug water when he wasn’t thirsty, he knows the fear of dehydration was never far from his mind. Advertisements, event organizers, the reading he did and the people he knew kept telling him to drink more, ultimately to his detriment.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Upcoming Spring Events (& A Plea For Help!)

Upcoming Nom Nom Paleo Spring Events (& A Plea for Help!) by Michelle Tam

Whoops! I just realized that I’ve been announcing my upcoming book signings and appearances only in my weekly email newsletter, and not here on my blog. Sorry! (If you want stay in the loop, be sure to subscribe to my newsletter here.) I actually have a few events coming up in the (very) near future, so let me catch you up in a hurry! Upcoming Nom Nom Paleo Spring Events (& A Plea for Help!) by Michelle Tam

PALO ALTO—MY HOMETOWN! Curious about the food writing biz? Or just want to come meet me and a bunch of my awesomest (yes, that is a word) food writer pals? On Wednesday evening, April 22 (just a couple of days away!), I’ll be on a panel with some of my favorite local cookbook authors discussing today’s evolving food media landscape. My co-panelists are my good friends Emma Christensen and Cheryl Sternman Rule, and our moderator is the wonderful Dianne Jacob. Topics include how to write for an increasingly global (and often mobile-based) audience, how to expand one’s reach, and how to marry the tactile pleasures of food with evolving platforms. Food and drinks will be served, and there’ll be ample amounts of mixing and mingling involved! For more deets and to register, peek over here.

April 21, 2015 – Performance

Workout of the Day A. Two sets of: 60 Seconds of Muscle-Ups Rest 60 seconds 60 Seconds of Alternating Pistols with Kettlebell (24/16 kg) Rest 60 seconds 60 Seconds of Strict Handstand Push-Ups (or L-Seated DB Press) Rest 60 seconds 60 Seconds of Strict Supinated-Grip Chest-to-Bar Pull-Ups Rest 60 seconds 60 Seconds of L-Sit Hold (try to accumulate 30-40 seconds within the minute) Rest 60 seconds B. Every minute, on the minute, for 9 minutes (3 sets each) for max reps: Minute 1 – 30 seconds of Toes to Bar Minute 2 – 30 seconds of Assault Bike for Calories [...]

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Time: 03:56 More in Howto & Style

Views: 301
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Time: 03:56 More in Howto & Style

Sunday, 19 April 2015

Join Our Eat Clean, Get Lean Challenge and Win Up To $1,500!

Join Our Eat Clean, Get Lean Challenge and Win Up To $1,500! Written by Calvin Sun We’re extremely excited to announce that for the first time ever, the Invictus Eat Clean, Get Lean Challenge will be available to members of our online community! We’ve run this challenge for our local members over the past five years with some amazing results. Just check out some of the before and after photos of our past participants. Due to popular demand, we’re now making this challenge available to our online community! The ECGL Challenge is an 8-week healthy habits program that will help [...]

Road to Conviction Episode 5: CrossFit Is the Foundation

While incarcerated, Fletcher Tholin discovered CrossFit. Watch his rehabilitation in this eight-part series.

In Episode 5, Tholin is seven weeks into CrossFit and he’s competing in his first Open competition.

As Tholin works, he explains he’s feeling happier in his life. And of course he’s spending more time at the gym—working on double-unders, repeating Open workouts and continuing to build relationships.

“Practice makes perfect,” he says after completing 50 unbroken double-unders.

Throughout the Open, Tholin’s competitive side comes out. At CrossFit Edwardsville in Glen Carbon, Illinois, athletes are watching the announcement for Week 3. Tholin says he’s hoping for something heavy. He gets his wish: a couplet of increasingly heavier deadlifts and box jumps.

“I feel like I gotta poop, man,” he says after hearing the workout details. “I don’t know if I’m nervous or if I really have to. I don’t know.”

After the announcement, Tholin goes head-to-head with fellow athlete Dan Williams—one of the stronger athletes at the affiliate. Many predict Williams will beat him, but Tholin proves them wrong by completing 133 reps and winning.

While Tholin gets stronger in the gym, he gets stronger in his perseverance to live a positive and happy life.

“CrossFit is the foundation that everything … is built on in my life right now,” he says. “CrossFit gave me the stable foundation to build the positive life that I’m living right now. It gave me hope.”

Video by Gary Roberts and Jordan Shalhoub.

14min 34sec

Additional reading: “Streets to Scholarship” by Andréa Maria Cecil, published Aug. 17, 2014.

Road to Conviction Episode 5: CrossFit Is the Foundation

While incarcerated, Fletcher Tholin discovered CrossFit. Watch his rehabilitation in this eight-part series. In Episode 5, Tholin is seven weeks into CrossFit and he's competing in his first...
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Time: 14:35 More in Sports

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Sunday 150419

Rest Day


"Jacob's just gotten his first bar muscle-up, and momma and Robbie are perhaps more excited than he is."
- Robin Lerner at CrossFit Bel Air.

CrossFit Video Contest, Third Place:
CrossFit Coalface - [video]

CrossFit Coalface: CrossFit Video Contest

A runner-up from the 2015 CrossFit Video Contest ( CrossFit® - Forging Elite Fitness® ( The CrossFit Games® - The Sport of Fitness™...
Views: 5
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Time: 05:27 More in Sports

CrossFit Radio Episode 377

On Episode 377 of CrossFit Radio, host Justin Judkins interviewed two athletes who were at the top of the regional leaderboards in the CrossFit Games Open. Carleen Mathews placed first in the North West, and Christian Lucero was No. 1 in the South West. This episode was webcast on April 15, 2015.

2:18 Best in the North West, Carleen Mathews was also 17th worldwide, putting her in very elite company. The owner of CrossFit Saint Helens in Oregon said her Open performance has given her confidence as she prepares for the West Regional, to be held May 29-31 in Tacoma, Washington. Mathews talked about her work on the mental side of competition and offered advice on choosing a trustworthy coach who can help an athlete prepare for the tough CrossFit Games season. As an affiliate owner and competitor, Mathews explained how she finds balance in her busy life.

12:12 Christian Lucero talked about his results in the Open and described his athletic background. With the South Regional set for May 15-17 in Dallas, Texas, Lucero reflected back to the 2014 South West Regional, where he and several others contracted a debilitating case of the flu and had to drop out of the competition. He explained how last year’s unfortunate results motivated him in 2015. Lucero, a coach at Backcountry CrossFit in Littleton, Colorado, offered some insight into his training as regionals approach, and he said keeping things light and fun helps him prepare for the pressure that will come in less than a month.

Friday, 17 April 2015

CrossFit Jerusalem: CrossFit Video Contest

A runner-up from the 2015 CrossFit Video Contest ( CrossFit® - Forging Elite Fitness® ( The CrossFit Games® - The Sport of Fitness™...
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Time: 03:48 More in Sports