Saturday 6 June 2015

June 5, 2015 – Competition

Workout of the Day
For max reps/time of:
L-Sit x Max Hold
(Standard – Stack plates under feet to height of parallettes – set terminates if heels touch the plates.)
Rest exactly 60 seconds
L-Sit x Max Hold
Rest exactly 60 seconds
60 seconds of Toes to Bar

Take 15-20 minutes to find your 1-RM Snatch

(You may elect to do either a power or full, but please note below next to the weight lifted whether it was a full or power snatch.)

For time:
Row 2000 meters
20 Snatches (175/115 lbs)
60 Pull-Ups
20 Snatches
Row 2000 meters
There are still spaces available to the last Invictus Athletes’ Camp before the 2015 CrossFit Games! Camp will be held June 12-14 in San Diego, CA
Please click here for more information and to register.

Sign Me Up For the Invictus Athletes’ Camp

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