Monday 29 December 2014

Hope you guys are having a productive day, tonight I did - Annie are you ok #wod for the first t…

Hope you guys are having a productive day, tonight I did - Annie are you ok #wod for the first time it was pretty hard, I got to the wall ball's and just seemed to loose all my energy! think I might have eaten one to many chocolates over the holiday season, early morning run with 20 press up's every 15 minutes should get me back on track :-) It's coming up to a new year how has your 2014 been? for me it's a lot of learning, lots of new friends and some quality time with my family.

For 2015 I hope to advance my career (might even randomly ask for a pay rise), take my own little online business to the next level, increase #fitness workouts by an additional 5 hours a week, further my HIIT education, plan a break with my family either snowboarding or a trip to CA not sure yet.I think it's going to be a fun new year, hope you guys have big plans.
#crossfit   #crossfitgirls   #crossfitgames  


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