Wednesday, 31 December 2014

January Whole30 Day 1: Let's Get Spicy & Saucy (+Tessemae's Giveaway!)

Flavor-boosting isn’t just a hobby of mine; it’s an obsession. I’ve never really understood how some folks can choke down meal after meal of bland, unseasoned protein and vegetables—especially given that it’s often dead-simple to amp up the flavor profile of, well, EVERYTHING with just a few simple, wholesome ingredients.

January Whole30 Day 1: Let's Get Spicy & Saucy (+Tessemae's Giveaway!) by Michelle Tam

The start of the New Year (and, for many of you, a new Whole30) is the perfect opportunity to stock your kitchen with spice blends and sauces that can instantly elevate any meal from ho-hum to DAD-GUM! (Ugh. Sorry—that was corny, and we all know that corn ain’t Paleo.)

First Up: Spices!

To be sustainable, Paleo eating has to be tasty, and spices go a long way toward perking up our palates. That’s why I love visiting my local spice purveyors, where I can follow my nose and stock up on curry powders, red chile pepper flakes, Chinese five spice, cumin, cinnamon—you name it. Then, when I get home, it’s mix-and-match time.

Longtime Nomsters know that my hands-down favorite spice blend is a flavored salt of my own creation: Magic Mushroom Powder. It’s revelatory, yo. (But a word of caution: It’s a salt blend that’s meant to be used just like salt. Season appropriately, and don’t overdo it!)

January Whole30 Day 1: Let's Get Spicy & Saucy (+Tessemae's Giveaway!) by Michelle Tam

As one newspaper wrote: “It’s a spice blend with a psychedelic-sounding name, and while it has no hallucinogenic powers, it truly is magic, adding much-desired umami to everything it touches.” Still, man cannot live on Magic Mushroom Powder alone. So check out these other Whole30-friendly spice blends that I love:

Next up: Sauces!

Feeling more saucy than spicy? I don’t blame you. After all, as Grimod de la ReyniĆ©re said, “A well-made sauce will make even an elephant or a grandfather palatable.” You won’t find me cooking up a pachyderm or a senior citizen, but here are some homemade sauces that can transform even the most boring piece of grilled protein into something crave-worthy:

Need even more saucy ideas? Go take a gander at Stupid Easy Paleo’s Ultimate Paleo Sauce Boss Round Up, featuring 50 Paleo sauces!

Whew—that’s a lot of recipes. But don’t get overwhelmed. Although I’m a firm believer in cooking our own food, I know it’s not always possible when Real Life gets in the way. So if making your own sauces isn’t in the cards this month, you can still enjoy insanely tasty flavor boosters by purchasing them. Just make sure you’re carefully reading product labels and stocking up with stuff that’s made with high-quality ingredients, like Tessemae’s all natural dressings and sauces. There are a bunch of Tessemae’s dressings that are Whole30-approved, and they’re fantastically delicious to boot.

January Whole30 Day 1: Let's Get Spicy & Saucy (+Tessemae's Giveaway!) by Michelle Tam

Want to win a bunch?

January 1, 2015 – Competition

Recovery Day A. If you don’t already have WRITTEN GOALS for 2015, do yourself the favor of spending a few hours thinking about what is most important to you and setting some goals for how you will honor those priorities. B. Mobility and Maintenance * Choose 1-2 Thoracic Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them. * Choose 1-2 Upper Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 5-10 minutes with them. * Choose 2-3 Lower Extremity Mobility Drills from Kelly Starrett’s Mobility WOD and spend 10-12 minutes with them. C. Nutrition Preparation [...]

Thursday 150101

Rest Day


Nawid Reinermann, Germany.

"The Harringtons Find a Family" - [video]

Tahoe Event 11: The Team Chipper

Five Points at Stake in Day One's Final Event Score After 10 Events: Again Faster: 17 Rogue: 8 Again Faster's surprising win in Event 9 against Rogue's dream team of Salo, Khalipa, and Chan...
Views: 301
7 ratings
Time: 17:12 More in Sports

My Paleo Pantry

My Paleo Pantry by Michelle Tam

Confession: My pantry ain’t normally this neat. At all.

On a typical day, the shelves look like a tornado blew through, leaving in its wake spice blends balanced precariously on cans of sardines and bulbs of garlic lodged between packages of seaweed. It’s awful; when I’m in a rush, I can rarely find the ingredients I need, which explains why I end up buying stuff I already have. Which, in turn, explains the nine containers of paprika in my pantry.

My Paleo Pantry by Michelle Tam

In short, I’ve become an accidental hoarder.

I’ve come to terms with the haphazard state of my shelf-stable foodstuffs and condiments, but with Henry—the only neatnik in our family—taking a week off from work, it was the perfect opportunity to tidy up. (That, and Henry demanded that we throw out all the expired stuff and clear up pantry space because the clutter was driving him insane.)

So here it is: my kitchen pantry in all its organized glory. I’ve added a key below so you can check out the stuff I buy to make flavorful Paleo cooking a snap.

(Note: Sadly, my pantry won’t stay this way for long. With my unpredictable purchasing whims and messy nature, I’m betting the contents will shift soon. Plus, the weather forecast calls for pantry tornados in the near future. Like tomorrow.)

My Paleo Pantry by Michelle Tam


New Year’s Eve Hours:
We will have all classes except 6pm and 7:15pm today!
Metcon (Time)
For Time:
40 GHD’s
20 Deadlifts (225/135)
30 GHD’s
15 Deadlifts (225/135)
20 GHD’s
10 Deadlifts (225/135)
10 GHD’s
5 Deadlifts (225/135)

The post 12/31/2014 appeared first on CrossFit Mayhem.

Tuesday, 30 December 2014

The Pool: Women's Heat 1 - 2013 CrossFit Games

The CrossFit Games -- ( The CrossFit Games® - The Sport of Fitness™ The Fittest On Earth™
Views: 7
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Time: 32:18 More in Sports

Wednesday 141231

5 rounds for time of:
20 strict ring dips
135-lb. thrusters, 14 reps

There should be no bend of the leg or hip in the strict ring dip.

Post time to comments.

Compare to 140101.


Kris Marcelli.

Demonstration With E.C. Synkowski - [video]

Archived coverage from the 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 CrossFit Games has been released.

Monday, 29 December 2014

Hope you guys are having a productive day, tonight I did - Annie are you ok #wod for the first t…

Hope you guys are having a productive day, tonight I did - Annie are you ok #wod for the first time it was pretty hard, I got to the wall ball's and just seemed to loose all my energy! think I might have eaten one to many chocolates over the holiday season, early morning run with 20 press up's every 15 minutes should get me back on track :-) It's coming up to a new year how has your 2014 been? for me it's a lot of learning, lots of new friends and some quality time with my family.

For 2015 I hope to advance my career (might even randomly ask for a pay rise), take my own little online business to the next level, increase #fitness workouts by an additional 5 hours a week, further my HIIT education, plan a break with my family either snowboarding or a trip to CA not sure yet.I think it's going to be a fun new year, hope you guys have big plans.
#crossfit   #crossfitgirls   #crossfitgames  


Sunday, 28 December 2014

Pyramid Double Helen & Shoulder-to-Overhead - 2010 CrossFit Games

For workout details click here: And here:
Views: 13
0 ratings
Time: 02:37:39 More in Sports

Thursday, 25 December 2014

Friday 141226

21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
95-lb. power cleans
Back extensions

Post time to comments.

Compare to 091004.


Justin Jindra.

Elbow Tactile Cue With Doug Zakaras - [video]

Wednesday, 24 December 2014

December 24, 2014 – Competition

Workout of the Day A. 40 Minutes of: Rowing or Running (whichever you did not perform yesterday) Pace should be dictated by how you feel. If you feel good, pick up speed, otherwise lay back and just keep moving for 40 minutes. ———————————————— MASTERS ATHLETES…Click here to access the Masters Athlete Off-Season Training Program.

Thursday, 18 December 2014

Learn To Love Your Fear

Learn To Love Your Fear Written by Bryce Smith What Is Fear? For some people, fear is a muscular sensation of adrenaline that moves through the vascular system, which gives us a fight or flight response. For others, fear is like a deer in headlights, which can be described as being immobile or having a dissociation of consciousness. In modern day society we often associate fear with too much instability or uncertainty. Fear typically occurs when we do not know the outcome, fear of the unknown, fear of a known threat, or fear of pain. Our body is always striving [...]

Friday, 12 December 2014

USAW 2014 American Open Jess Kinzler Highlights

Jess Kinzler had a killer day Silver in Snatch with 61kg Silver in Overall Total at 143kg and Gold with a huge 82kg Clean and Jerk.
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Time: 02:47 More in Entertainment